Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Subway Biking

Day three of our NYC trip again took us out of the city as we boarded a subway with our bikes to visit Coney Island. Stepping out of the subway building I immediately felt like I had gone back in time 40 years or so with the old amusement style boardwalk. We rode our bikes down the boardwalk to the ends and back which was only a few miles total. We stopped briefly to watch some strong older manly men playing handball. I had never actually seen anyone play handball since racquets are so cheap and easy to come by. But it was popular here and fun to watch for a bit. We started to wait in line for our ‘official’ Nathans hot dogs but changed our mind to other fair food based on the ridiculously long lines. Maybe that means we didn’t truly experience Coney Island but I was ok with that since I can buy them at Publix anytime.

Next we boarded a subway to Rockaway beach. I was a little confused on the subway but a very nice guy helped me realize we had chosen the correct train and offered us advice on where to go. Again I was totally shocked by his friendliness and kindness and really enjoyed meeting locals like this. Rockaway beach gave the impression of being not the richest neighborhood but the condos were still nice and the view of the beach and boardwalk was great. We biked the boardwalk and stopped to watch some kids at a skateboard park. This ‘berb’ had all the makings of a cute beach town until you saw the signs warning of snow in the winter.

After a long subway ride back including getting crunched in the subway doors we cleaned up and headed to Times Square for dinner. This place is busy! But except for food, lots of artificial lights, shopping and more food, I didn’t really see much to do. We walked to Broadway Street and I did a little song and dance just so I could say “I performed on Broadway”. Then I did my shopping which took about 10 minutes and consisted of purchasing my long awaited “I heart NY” t-shirt.

It was a fun day exploring and observing and learning and enjoying!

Cat “If I can make it here” Cathy

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